

Japan Business Co-operation Committee主催
The Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee is hosting a bespoke dialogue event on "The future of Australia & Japan’s energy security partnership"

Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee (AJBCC、日豪経済合同委員会)主催「今後の日豪エネルギー安全保障パートナーシップについて」の特別対談が下記日程で開催されます。元在オーストラリア日本大使がご登壇予定です。是非ご聴講ください。参加費は無料、事前登録が必要です。

The Australia Japan Business Co-operation Committee is hosting a bespoke dialogue event on "The future of Australia & Japan’s energy security partnership" on Tuesday, October 22, at 2:30 PM. The former Japanese Ambassador to Australia is scheduled to speak. Please note that participation is free of charge, but prior registration is required. Furthermore, this event will be held on our university campus ahead of the AJBCC meeting, which will take place in Nagoya the following day.


" The future of Australia & Japan’s energy security partnership "
